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Making Diversity Interventions Annual Conference (MDICAC) 2025

Making Diversity Interventions Annual Conference (MDICAC) 2025



21 May 2025 9am - 5pm

The MDICAC brings together renowned scholars, practitioners, thought leaders and students from the UK and internationally to explore and reflect on research and development in Equality/Equity Diversity, and Inclusion.


Detailed Description

The MDICAC provides a platform for scholars, practitioners, thought leaders and students internationally to converge to explore and reflect on research and development, synthesise, and apply knowledge and best practice in the field of equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). The conference focuses on exploring interventions for advancing equality to inform the development of good and effective practice in diversity interventions in organisations.

The conference is designed to contest the status quo and challenge our levels of acceptance and comfort with the current levels of equality and inclusion in society.   It will provide an opportunity for participants to engage with the subject in a thought-provoking way and provide an avenue for inter and intra-disciplinary exchange and cross pollination of ideas.

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