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Midwifery Students Mobile Phones

mobile phone



Mobile phones for caseloading purposes to be hired by Final Year undergraduate students for the duration of their caseloading placement


Detailed Description

Please read the following Terms and Conditions for using this device:

·         Devices must be used sensibly and in a responsible manner

·         Phones must not be used for personal calls

·         If you lose/damage the device your deposit will not be refunded

·         You must return the phone and charger on completion of Caseloading.  If any items are missing, we regret we will not be able to refund the payment.

·         The phone must be cleared of all personal details and data before returning, failure to do so will be in breach of GDPR regulations.

In the event of this device being lost or stolen you must inform the Placements Team on ([email protected]) as soon as possible.

Please note if you do not return this university property at the end of your caseloading placement, it may delay your progress towards completing the programme.

On making this payment, you agree to the Terms & Conditions above, and you will asked to confirm this during the checkout process.

Your £20 payment will be refunded when you return the mobile phone and charger to the Placements Office upon completion of the Caseloading placement. If any of these items are missing, we regret that we will not be able to refund this payment.

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