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Help to Grow: Management Cohort 8 – Registration Fee

Help to Grow Management poster



Help to Grow: Management - £750 business fee paid for course registration and attendance

Friday 20th September to Monday 9th December 2024


Detailed Description

Help to Grow: Management is a leadership course focusing on boosting the performance and resilience of your business. The £750 fee is a 10% cost for the course paid by businesses with HM Government subsidising the remaining 90%.

The course will be delivered by the University of Bradford, School of Management from Friday 20th September to Monday 9th December 2024 .

The course offers each business the chance to receive expert teaching and mentorship from the School of Management covering 12 modules aiming to develop knowledge and skills in key subject areas including.

  • Strategies for Growth and Innovation
  • Engaging with Customers
  • Building a Sustainable and Agile Business
  • Operations and Financial Strategies

Once registered and confirmed as eligible this fee will help secure your participation on Help to Grow: Management.

Participants will need to attend a minimum of 75% of the Programme to be awarded a certificate of attendance.



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