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Northern Ireland Study Trip

Northern Ireland Study Trip

Northern Ireland Conflict Study Visit 16 - 23 May 2025

Northern Ireland Conflict Study Visit 16 - 23 May 2025


Study visit to Northern Ireland, a place that has experienced significant conflict, oppression, and violence over a long period of time. This visit is being organized to develop student understanding of conflict, and to offer them skills and insights into what it means to engage with a real-life context of conflict.

The trip will see students visit conflict sites and speak with stakeholders involved in the Troubles. We will stay in Belfast spending most of our time on political walking tours and speaking with peace workers and other people close to the conflict in the city. We will also visit Derry to assess and reflect on stories from different cities that faced substantial conflict.


£100 deposit due by 31 March 

£400 balance due by 25 April


For further information contact:

Tom Pettinger

07912 108907



Clara Voyvodic Casabo


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