CSHI Conference 2025Context Sensitive Health Informatics (CSHI) 2025 Conference: AI for Social GoodDescriptionFriday May 23rd to Saturday May 24th 2025, hosted at the University of Bradford, UK. Context Sensitive Health Informatics (CSHI) 2025 focuses on Human and Socio-technical approaches to health technology and healthcare delivery, and so attracts a large number of human factors and organisational researchers, those who work at the intersection of technology, humans and health systems. The CSHI conference is co-organized every two years by the Human Factors Engineering - HFE and Organizational and Social Issues - OSI working groups of the International Medical Informatics Association - IMIA and a local partner. In 2025, the Centre for Digital Innovations in Health & Social Care at the University of Bradford is the local partner. For recommended hotels and other info please see the conference website. https://www.cshi-imia.org/2025-bradford-conference 2 day conference ticket £200 full price per delegate 2 day conference ticket £90 for students (register with your institution’s email address) Optional 3 course evening meal, £60 (23/05/25 19:00) and entertainment, at the Great Victoria Hotel, Bradford. You will be asked to select your menu options at checkout. Please add items individually and either 'Proceed to basket' or click on 'Shopping Basket' to register and purchase. If you have any questions or if you would like to book just the evening meal for a guest, please email CDIHSC@bradford.ac.uk |